• Structure: How do we make the tense?
  • Use: When and why do we use the tense?
Some lessons look at additional matters, and most of them finish with a quiz to check your understanding.
Many English learners worry too much about tense. If you stopped 100 native English speakers in the street and asked them about tense, 1 of them might give you an intelligent answer - if you were lucky. The other 99 would know little about terms like "past perfect" or "present continuous". And they would know nothing about aspect, voice or mood. But they can all speak fluent English and communicate effectively. Of course, for ESL it helps to know about tenses, but don't become obsessed with them. Be like those native speakers! Speak naturall


An adjective describes how something 'is.' For this reason, we often use the verb 'to be' when using adjectives. Adjectives are used to describe nouns. There are two types of sentences we use with adjectives, which are detailed below.

Subject + To Be + Adjective

Tom is shy.
Alice is happy.

Subject + Verb + Adjective + Noun

That is a big building!
Peter has a fast car.
The adjective is always invariable.
Example: beautiful trees, they are happy
Take note of these important rules to follow when using this sentence pattern.
  • Adjectives don't have a singular and plural form OR a masculine, feminine and neutral form.
  • Adjectives are always the same! Never add a final –s to an adjective.
  • Adjectives can also be placed at the end of a sentence if they describe the subject of a sentence.
​​Example: My doctor is excellent, as opposed to difficults books, which is incorrect

Adjectives Are Placed Before Noun

Example: a wonderful book; very interesting people
Note: Don't place an adjective after the noun
Example: an apple red